JOBS at PI – Join our team!

At PURIngenieur we don’t just talk, we do. It is important to us that everyone benefits – the company, the customers and the employees

JOBS at PI – Join our team!

At PURIngenieur we don’t just talk, we do. It is important to us that everyone benefits – the company, the customers and the employees.


At PURIngenieur we don’t just talk, we do. At three locations with over 60 employees, we support our customers in the chemical industry from planning to implementation.
It is important to us that everyone benefits – the company, the customers and the employees. We not only offer flat hierarchies and good training, but we also offer every single employee the opportunity to continue their training and development. We regularly discuss where the individual should go and what steps are necessary to get there.

We know that every person is different – and every person has their own special talents. That’s why we don’t care where you come from or whether you like to start later in the morning (if you don’t have a customer appointment). It is important to us that you are part of the team and work with us on the success of our joint projects.
Would you like to apply? We look forward to seeing you. For us, applications are a matter for the boss. That’s why you can contact Oliver Schawe as managing director directly if you have any questions. And when all questions have been clarified – simply send him your application. He will contact you!



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Call us!

Your job isn’t there?

But would you still like to become part of our team? Then send us your unsolicited application – we are always looking for motivated, well-trained new employees and look forward to your unsolicited application.


Our employees will tell you!

What I like about Holger and Oli: They always try to help people who are interested in learning or doing something new, starting a new career… A good employer who not only hires experts, but trains experts themselves.

Ali CAD Designer

I had an interview and then also a trial work. And what became clear very quickly was that the working atmosphere was pretty good or above average. What was particularly exciting for me about this job was the combination of approval planning and process engineering/plant engineering.

Annika Project manager approval planning

I decided on PURIngenieur, in addition to the scope of work, definitely in terms of the freedom in the workplace and the flexibility in terms of working hours. I think it’s a nice thing for people starting out in their careers […] to know that they’re really being trained here.

Saskia Projectmanager EMSR

Another big advantage is that you always get to know different industries. I started in the paint industry, then did something with ceramic coatings. Then we have a technical center in Gevelsberg that deals with the extraction of sieve residue. There really is something from A to Z across all industries.

Daniel Project manager for plant planning

Get in touch

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PUR INGENIEUR GmbH Wallenhorst

Phone +49 (0) 5407-856 311-214


+49 (0) 23 32-910 94-113


Phone +49 (0) 34 61-841 333 – 360